Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Kicker Closeup

Kicker Closeup
Originally uploaded by xiefeilaga.


CB said...

Hello Jeff,

My comment is a bit random and somewhat off topic. I discovered this blog not too long ago via the Puerh Tea Community message board.

I hope this is the correct Jeff. You know how things work in the laowai community, so here goes nothing!

I live in Beijing and really enjoy tea. I used to manage a tea shop in the states and came to China to learn even more about the tea culture and the language.

This topic came up in conversation at Bar Blu's Trivia night when I was speaking to a Full Brighter named Hai-Ching. She mentioned someone named Jeff who loves tea and is in the Business.

Hai-Ching knows (who she said was your roommate, again if this is the correct Jeff) Jason through the Fulbright grapevine. She said that she would try to put the two of us in touch, but I have not gotten hold of your email.

SO! If my assumptions are right and you are the correct Jeff. I would really like to hear your experiences with Pu-erh, Menghai, China, and Kunming sometime. Drop me an email at chrisboehner (at) mac (dot) com. I look forward to hear from you.


Unknown said...

Happy lunar new year


Jeff Crosby said...

Right back at you. Is this Kunming Ally? I'm in town...

Unknown said...

hi, yeah, it me. Cool, call u later-D


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